[Ian 2022] Painted Scenes – improv and paintings in english

Come and see 🎨 Pain7ed Scenes 🎨, an improv show with a lot of emotion and some paintings.

🎨 Pain7ed Scenes 🎨 is one of the longest standing shows at Improteca. This time around, the scenes will be painted in english. 


📅 Sunday, 23rd of January 2022,starting at 7:00 PM

🗺️ La Improteca, in Bucuresti, Comanita street, no. 9

😷 CoVid-19 safety measures will be in full effect. The improvisers will be tested before the show, spectators will be received only after the digital COVID certificate will be validated and they’ll wear masks for the duration of the show. Only 30% of the seats will be available.

💸 Entrance is free, the exit will be made after donations.

📱Reservations at phone number: 0727 554 875 or through messaging Improteca on Facebook.

In 🎨 Pain7ed Scenes 🎨, Mihaela Georgescu and Andrei Bratu will play 7 comic and sensitive couple scenes, inspired by the paintings of the artist Lavinia Falcan. During the 7 scenes played, Lavinia will paint a large canvas painting live from scratch. At the end of the show, Lavinia will reveal the painting inspired by the acting game of the 2 improvisers.


🙆🏻‍♀️ Mihaela Georgescu is an improvising actress since 2012, a member of the improv group Urban Impro, known for the dynamism and volcanic humor with which she surprises you on stage.

🧏 Andrei Bratu, although a Transylvanian … with all that implies, manages to cope with the fast pace of Mihaela on stage. He is an actor since 2010, graduate of UNATC Bucharest, always playing sparkling characters, who delight in the shows.

🙋🏻‍♀️Lavinia Falcan is an acclaimed painter, with numerous exhibitions in Romania and abroad. After returning from New York, where she had a successful exhibition, she introduced in her pallet live painting and with that she participated in the Romania’s got talent.

[Ian 2022] Doi la sol – improvizatie muzicala

Haide la 🎶 Doi la sol 🎶, show de improvizatie muzicala!

🎶 Doi la sol 🎶 este un spectacol de improvizatie long form in care cei doi improvizatori se lanseaza intr-o tirada de scene cu final muzical. 

Detaliile organizatorice:

📅 Sambata, 22 Ianuarie 2022, de la ora 20:00

🗺️ La Improteca, in Bucuresti, pe Comanita 9

😷 Conditii de siguranta CoVid-19. Improvizatorii se vor testa inainte de spectacol, spectatorii vor fi primiti doar cu certificat verde si vor purta masti pe parcursul spectacolului. Numarul de spectatori va fi limitat in cuantum a 30% din capacitatea salii.

💸 Intrarea libera, iesirea pe donatii.

📱 Rezervari la numarul de telefon: 0727 554 875 sau prin mesaj pe pagina Improteca.

🎶 Doi la sol 🎶 este jucat de Andrei Bratu si Iulian Sfircea, la pian acompaniindu-i Vlad Pasencu. Andrei si Iulian sunt fosti colegi de facultate care din studentie cantau pe holurile facultatii cu orice ocazie ivita. Ani mai tarziu, in Noiembrie 2018, cei doi au avut in sfarsit un cadru organizat in care sa se manifeste impreuna, organizand show-ul Doi la Sol.

🎶 Doi la sol 🎶 a fost un show jucat la iUmor, fiind unul dintre cele mai bune momente iUmor, editia 2019. 


Din 📖 Anatomy of a Story 📖 fac parte:


  • Andrei Bratu
  • Iulian Sfircea

Acompaniament la pian:

  • Vlad Pasencu

[Ian 2022] Anatomy of Story – long form improv

Haide la 📖 Anatomy of a Story 📖 jucat de The Incredible Storytellers!

📖 Anatomy of a Story 📖 este show-ul ales la ImproFest 2021, ca show al unei trupe la debut, The Incredible Storytellers.

Detaliile organizatorice:

📅 Sambata, 22 Ianuarie 2022, de la ora 18:00

🗺️ La Improteca, in Bucuresti, pe Comanita 9

😷 Conditii de siguranta CoVid-19. Improvizatorii se vor testa inainte de spectacol, spectatorii vor fi primiti doar cu certificat verde si vor purta masti pe parcursul spectacolului. Numarul de spectatori va fi limitat in cuantum a 30% din capacitatea salii.

💸 Intrarea libera, iesirea pe donatii.

📱 Rezervari la numarul de telefon: 0727 554 875 sau prin mesaj pe pagina Improteca.

Hai si tu la primul spectacol Improteca din acest an!

📖 Anatomy of a Story 📖 pleaca de la un joc de short form, poveste in 4 cu scene, si transforma intreaga aventura intr-un show de long form.

The Incredible Storytellers construiesc un micro-univers a carui big bang are loc odata cu acel cuvant ales din public si se termina atunci cand povestea ajunge in universuri paralele… sau mari si tari.


Din 📖 Anatomy of a Story 📖 fac parte:


  • Andrei Bratu


  • Simona Draghici
  • Alexandra Ionescu
  • Cosmin Radu
  • Cristina Dumitriu
  • Sebastian Radu
  • Sonia Neagoe
  • Nicu Andronic
  • Tiberiu Anghelina

Show-ul de long form a fost montat de:

  • Andrei Bratu
  • Iulian Sfircea

[Ian 2022] Cursuri de improvizatie – diferite niveluri

Improteca deschide portile pentru noi cursuri de improvizatie!

😊 Curs pentru incepatori.

Link formular: https://forms.gle/3ViKpcEk1Zk3tXe87 

😂 Curs pentru intermediari. 

Link formular: https://forms.gle/CuqerX9hADMKXxSx9 

🤣 Curs avansati. 

 Link formular: https://forms.gle/EYQYuG67HVKdZBGz9 

Profesorii Improteca sunt actori si traineri autorizati. 

🎆🎆🎆 Va asteptam cu drag!

#improv #show #comedie #improteca