Mad world - an improvised hero’s journey - live show


București, pe Comanita nr.9

You live your ordinary life. Then crisis hits and the world around you changes. SMACK! All of a sudden people count on you. But you don’t know – Are you up for this task? Responsibility, fear. Are you strong enough, brave enough, worthy? So you ask for help, you enter this new Mad World; you love, you fight, and try to figure out which way is yours.
📅 Saturday, 1st of June 2024, from 8:00 PM (20:00)
🗺️ At Improteca, in Bucharest, on 9 Comănița Street (Str. Comănița Nr. 9)
🏷️ Tickets at iabilet.ro*: https://www.iabilet.ro/bilete-mad-world-an-improvised…/
This is the road to adulthood. A hero’s journey that all of us make in life, several times, in our own silly and vulnerable ways. We try to figure out life. We want to follow our bliss, find meaning in life. We search for ways to fulfil our potential. And we grow. Always.
We will be the audience of one improvised hero’s journey. Of course, we all improvise our hero’s journeys. But this is a special one. A fantastical, mythical one. A trip through worlds you have never encountered. Creatures that trick you, or lure you away from your path. Trees with unspeakable wisdom, and unforgettable friends that help you along the way.
All these are symbols for what we encounter in real life, so who knows? You might recognize yourself and discover your own inner hero. It’s in there, I am sure of it! It is just waiting for the right moment; waiting for the call of adventure so you can start your own Hero’s Journey.
Mihaela Georgescu
Dan Codreanu
Dan Miron
Andrei Bratu
Valentin Hurdubaie
Alexandra Stroe
Cindy Pittens
Matilda Lindström
Michalis Panagiotakis
Cristina Beringhe
Concept and directing:
Cindy Pittens
🌍 Cindy Pittens, Matilda Lindstrom and Michalis Panagiotakis are three elected artists invited to come to Bucharest by the improvisation theater Improteca. They are here as part of the program Culture Moves Europe, created by Goethe Institut and through the European Commission where Improteca won the residency project Improvising Realities.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.