You don’t need no streaming platform subscription; no algorithm to tell you what you are going to watch! You control the spectacle your eyes are going to experience.

Pop that corn!

you get to choose what kind of show you are going to watch tonight (adventure, horror, drama, musical mystery, anything goes). You pick the genre; lights go out and the show starts. Each time a brand-new story is unfolded in front of your eyes, in the genre that you chose. So, pop the corn, lean back and enjoy!

Pop that corn!

is a genre show. A show where the story style is determined by the audience. The audience might experience a horror show or a musical show, or both, who knows. A show that has been brewing during the years that Michalis and Chara have performed in different groups and theaters, and has developed while they have been on stage together. Being a long on-stage and off-stage couple, the chemistry and synchronicity makes this show an absolute treat; or horror show; or musical; or both, who knows.
The MCs consists of Michalis and Chara, a duo that has been performing together for over 3 years, trying different styles and formats on stage. Michalis is the creative director of Heraklion Improv Theater (HiT) and Chara is an improviser with extensive experience in Improv as well as in scripted theater. Both, next to performers, are Improv instructors. The MCs perform at least three times per month at HiT and other theaters throughout Crete. MCs are the only Improv group performing regularly on any island in Greece.

Michalis Panagiotakis is one of three elected artists invited to come to Bucharest by the improvisation theater Improteca. They are here as part of the program Culture Moves Europe, created by Goethe Institut and through the European Commission where Improteca won the residency project Improvising Realities.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.